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Welcome to our resource page- this material is designed to provide.


1) Examples of a safeguarding policy
2) A visual reminder in the form of a checklist of how to respond should a child make a disclosure to you of abuse
3) An age appropriate guideline offering ideas of safeguarding conversations you can have with your child. 




Help yourself and share your feedback with us.


​​Hinder Not Child Safeguarding policy


Zuia Safeguarding Policy:



Talking to Children About Abuse:



Hinder Not Pamphlet (One Page)










Hinder Not: A YWAM Ministry


Whilst the authors of this website have over 40 years of experience in the field of member care and safeguarding, they are not registered counsellers or social workers. The views, information, or opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Youth With A Mission. 

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