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AGENCIES & NGOs in Africa that help and support child abuse victims.

ANPPCAN — African Network for the Prevention and Protection. 

Founded and based in Africa, our mission is to enhance, in partnership with others, the prevention and protection of children from all forms of maltreatment, thus, ensuring that the rights of children are realized. We do this through the Regional Office in Nairobi and the 26 chapters across Africa.

Childline Kenya.

Childline Kenya was established in response to the state of child protection in Kenya and the manner in which abuse cases were being reported and handled. The underlying need within the child protection sector was:

Childline Kenya was therefore established to create an enabling environment for children to voice their concerns, be listened to and be linked with essential services through a coordinated referral system Nationwide. It was founded, as an NGO, by Plan International, SOS Children’s Villages and the Kenya Alliance for the Advancement of Children (KAACR). It was registered in 2005 by the NGO Coordination Board.

Teddy Bear Clinic for Abused Children (TTBC) — South Africa.

Preventing and minimizing effects of child abuse in South Africa.

African Partnership to End Violence against Children (APEVAC)

The African Partnership to End Violence Against Children (APEVAC) is an umbrella coalition, based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, that brings together like-minded national, regional, and international organizations to encourage collective action to end violence against children on the African continent.

UNICEF (Nigeria, Ethiopia, South Africa, Kenya, Uganda)

In Eastern and Southern Africa, where children under 18 make up almost half of the total population, UNICEF works with partners, communities and the private sector to ensure that children are at the heart of our actions to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.  

We work to save children’s lives, to defend their rights, and to help them fulfil their potential, from early childhood through to adolescence.

Child's Age Organization Kenya

CAOK is a non-profit organization in Kenya with a mission to prevent and stop sexual violence and abuse against children as well as all forms of gender based violence.

Hinder Not: A YWAM Ministry


Whilst the authors of this website have over 40 years of experience in the field of member care and safeguarding, they are not registered counsellers or social workers. The views, information, or opinions expressed on this website are solely those of the individuals involved and do not necessarily represent those of Youth With A Mission. 

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